Yves Regenass
Above all: curiosity
Yves Regenass studied Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice at the University of Hildesheim in Germany. After his studies, he worked as a dramaturge at ROXY Birsfelden (CH) and contributed to numerous projects in the independent scene as a performer, dramaturge, and dance dramaturge. He is a co-founder of the game theater group machina eX, with which he has realized productions in Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, and the USA. From 2021-2022, Yves Regenass worked as a digital dramaturge at Theater Chur. He teaches at various universities and colleges in Germany and Switzerland. In addition to his research practice, he is currently working as a freelance curator and theater creator. Yves Regenass is a researcher at metaLAB (at) Basel with the project AGENCY OF CHANGE: THE CALL.