1 year ago

Proposed Harvard AI Code of Conduct

Since its founding, metaLAB has been experimenting with new technologies, while committing to critiquing those very technologies. For the past seven years, we have been exploring the intersections of AI and philosophy, art and design, and teaching. During the Spring 2023 Harvard course Creativity (taught by Professor David Atherton), course guest and metaLAB Principal Sarah Newman led a unit in which students collaboratively brainstormed a prospective code of conduct for the use of AI tools at Harvard. Under the guidance of Sarah Newman, Kathleen Esfahany (metaLAB Research Assistant and Neuroscience PhD Student), and Professor David Atherton, the students’ ideas were refined into the following proposed code of conduct, which was shared with the Harvard administration on July 11, 2023. Given the ongoing swift and visible adoption of AI tools in coursework, we hope that this proposal can assist with the development of policies on the use of AI tools in educational settings.
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